Webster Conference Center Continues Shelter For Those Displaced By Windstorm

Webster Conference Center Continues Shelter For Those Displaced By Windstorm

Webster Conference Center, located at 2601 N Ohio, continues to be a temporary shelter for those displaced by Wednesday's powerful windstorm.

Whether your home has no power, you need a hot meal or hot cup of coffee, or you simply need a place to charge your cell phone, you are welcome out at the Center.

Bill Cooke, Director of Operations for Webster Conference Center, says that six people were housed on-site Thursday night into Friday morning. In addition, the residents of Legacy Home are using the shelter as temporary housing, while power is being restored to their building.

Even if you do not need Webster Conference Shelter as a temporary shelter, Bill Cooke says that hot meals are also being served. Last night, the Center served 400 meals to those on-site and in a drive-thru setting.

Through all this, the Salina community is also stepping up and taking care of each other.

According to Bill Cooke, Tony's Pizza donated a pallet loaded with pizzas that will be distributed to the rural communities of Saline County. Atwoods donated a pallet of water bottles that will be passed out in the same fashion.

As Salina and the surrounding areas continue to have their power restored, Webster Conference Center will be open as a shelter for as long as they're needed in the wake of this storm. The American Red Cross is set up on-site to assist with check-in from 7 am-10 pm. Families are welcome, as well as those with medical needs where power is a necessity, and everyone else.

If you need more information on Webster Conference Center as a temporary shelter after this storm, call 785-827-6565. You can also find them on Facebook at https://www.facebook.com/websterccsalina/.

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