Vehicle Fire in Saline County Extinguished, Suspected Electrical or Mechanical Cause

Vehicle Fire in Saline County Extinguished, Suspected Electrical or Mechanical Cause
Photo Courtesy Saline County Sheriff's Office

Saline County Sheriff’s deputies were dispatched to the 4600 block of North Powers Road at 11:12 am on June 27 for a vehicle fire. Jonathon Livengood, 35, reported that his wife had been driving their 2018 Ford Expedition, which was not running correctly and had the check engine light on.

Livengood drove the vehicle around to diagnose the issue before returning home and parking it. Shortly after, he noticed the engine was fully engulfed in flames.

Rural Fire District 3 responded promptly, arriving at 11:26 am and extinguishing the fire by 11:40 am. The fire is believed to have been caused by an electrical or mechanical issue in the vehicle. No injuries were reported.

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