Brittany Kisner
Brittany is an English teacher at South High School and has been teaching for 12 years. She says that she has wanted to be a teacher for as long as she can remember. Both of her parents were teachers and they inspired her to teach as well. Her favorite part of teaching is the students. She loves building connections and giving them a sense of safety and belonging in the classroom. Brittany says that her students never cease to surprise her.

Todd Robinett
Todd is a family and consumer sciences teacher at South Middle School and has been teaching for 7 years. This is his third year at SMS. Todd enjoys helping people and by becoming a teacher, he has been able to witness the amazing moments in the classroom when students reach the goals they’ve set. Todd says that support for our schools from families and the community is always appreciated.

Angela Botz
Angela is a math teacher at Central High school and has been teaching at CHS for 3 years. Angela loves helping students learn and reach their potential. Two teachers at CHS, Julie Opat and Marysa McCartney, inspired her to become a teacher. Angela’s favorite part of teaching is the “a-ha” moment, when a student understands or learns something new. Angela says that anything you can do to encourage a student can make a big difference in their education and in their lives.

Michaela Kroeker
Michaela is a reading teacher at Lakewood Middle School and has been teaching for 8 years. This is her 5th year at LMS. Michaela became a teacher to help students find their passion and was also inspired to teach by her own teachers and her father who was a teacher as well. Michaela enjoys getting to know her students and their interests. Michalea says that she appreciates the active role parents and the community take in the education of Salina students.