Referendum Petition on Breed-Specific Regulations Falls Short by 22 Signatures

On September 23, 2024, the City of Salina received a referendum petition calling for the repeal of Breed-Specific Regulations in the Salina City Code. The petition aimed to either prompt the City’s Governing Body to repeal the regulations or trigger a special election for voters to decide.

For the petition to be valid, it needed 1,391 signatures, which represents 25% of voters from the last regular City election, in accordance with Kansas law (K.S.A. 12-3013). The petition, containing 1,814 signatures, was submitted to the Saline County Election Officer on September 24 for validation.

On September 30, 2024, the Election Officer certified that only 1,369 of the signatures were accepted, leaving the petition 22 signatures short. A total of 445 signatures were rejected for various reasons, including unregistered voters, mismatched names or signatures, canceled voter registrations, and incorrect district information.

Under K.S.A. 25-3602, petitioners are not allowed to submit additional signatures to make up the difference. As a result, the petition will not move forward, and the Breed-Specific Regulations will remain in effect.

The certification letter from the County Election Officer, detailing the validation process, is available for reference.

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