Two-Vehicle Collision on Ohio Street Leads to Power Outages

Two-Vehicle Collision on Ohio Street Leads to Power Outages

On June 24, 2024, Salina Police Sergeant Matt Gawith reported that officers were dispatched to the 900 block of Ohio Street at 5:08 pm for a two-vehicle collision. A 2017 Nissan Rogue, driven by a 51-year-old female, was traveling southbound on Ohio Street near Republic Avenue when it rear-ended a 2004 Subaru Forester, driven by a 56-year-old male.

Following the initial collision, the Nissan Rogue veered to the west, striking a sign, then continued southwest through the intersection, hitting a pole. The pole fell onto a parked car in a nearby parking lot. The Nissan Rogue eventually came to rest after striking another parked car in the same parking lot.

The driver of the Subaru sustained minor injuries. The driver of the Nissan reported that she did not see the vehicle ahead when the collision occurred. Both vehicles were traveling in the outside lane when the accident took place.

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