Naked Man Arrested After Assault at Kwik Shop

Naked Man Arrested After Assault at Kwik Shop

Early on June 25, at approximately 4:45 am, officers were dispatched to the Kwik Shop at 1727 West Crawford Street after reports of a naked male entering the store. The suspect, identified as 42-year-old Joshua Renfro, was wielding a stick and striking people inside the store. Employees managed to subdue him until police arrived.

A 55-year-old male employee, who first heard the commotion, was struck in the head by Renfro, resulting in cuts to his head and eye. A 60-year-old male employee was shoved in the chest while trying to keep Renfro out of the store. Additionally, a 51-year-old female employee was shoved to the ground, leading to injuries that required hospital treatment for a potentially broken elbow.

Renfro was taken into custody and transported to the hospital due to possible drug influence. He faces charges including two counts of aggravated battery and one count of simple battery.

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