Salina Police Investigate "Jury Duty" Bitcoin Scam

Salina Police Investigate "Jury Duty" Bitcoin Scam

Salina Police are investigating a scam that occurred between 3:45 pm and 4:35 pm on June 13, targeting a 75-year-old woman from the 2000 block of Raymond Avenue. The victim received a call from an individual identifying as "James Williams" from the "Saline County Sheriff’s Department," claiming she owed $7,400 for missing jury duty.

The scammer instructed her to pay the amount in Bitcoin to avoid legal charges. The woman withdrew $7,400 in cash from her bank, then used a Bitcoin machine at Dillons on Ohio Street to send the money. She realized it was a scam after contacting the police.

The Salina Police Department reminds the public that the sheriff’s office does not request payments in this manner. The investigation is ongoing.

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