City Authorizes Agreements for Downtown Redevelopment

City Authorizes Agreements for Downtown Redevelopment

Salina City Commissioners unanimously approved two key agreements aimed at revitalizing downtown Salina regarding a relocation of Prairieland Market Inc.

The first agreement, a Transferee Agreement with Prairieland Market Inc., enables the renovation of the storefront at 118 South Santa Fe Avenue into a modernized location for Prairieland Market. The total project budget stands at $1,486,106, with $514,866 sought from the Existing Retail CID Fund for the renovation. Payment will be made in annual installments over 18 years, totaling $755,055.

The second agreement, a License Agreement with Grassroots Efforts, LLC, permits the installation of metal canopies over public spaces around the Prairieland Market building. These canopies will extend over Strand Plaza and the sidewalk on Santa Fe Avenue. The proposal received approval from the Design Review Board and aims to enhance the aesthetic appeal of the area.

Both agreements are integral parts of the broader efforts led by Salina2020 and signify a significant step forward in the city's downtown redevelopment plans.

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