Sunflower Project For Ukraine Refugees

Sunflower Project For Ukraine Refugees

In early April, Linda Foster, read an online article about the Warsaw Museum of Modern Arts that opened their doors to help Ukrainian refugees. They make sandwiches, help refugees fill out necessary paperwork, and created a therapeutic space that involves art making and poetry reading. The new community space was named the Sunflower, after the Ukraine national symbol.

The war in Ukraine left Foster and feeling a sense of helplessness as families were being uprooted from their homes and fleeing for their lives. With the sunflower also being the Kansas State Flower, she knew she needed to help and shared an idea with Debbie Wagner, Kansas Figure Drawing Group, of painting sunflowers to sell and donate the money. Wagner then invited their whole group to participate.

Wayne and Peggy DeBey, owners of the Flower Nook, have always been very supportive of the arts and have a strong passion for humanitarian causes. the DeBeys immediately agreed to displaying the Sunflower Project without taking a commission for art sold, to ensure 100% of the funds go to the Warsaw Museum and the refugees.

Since the Sunflower Project began, many others have jumped on board to donate time and materials. The Crooked Nail Studio  Custom Framing in Minneapolis is donating time and materials to mat the artwork. Owner, Lexi Kirn, proposed the Sunflower Project to the Ottawa County Arts and Humanities and now the group is immersed in drawing and painting sunflowers to donate for the cause. "Salina Arts and Humanities has been very supportive as well with sharing out story and mission." said Foster.

The Flower Nook, 208 East Iron Ave, Salina, will begin installation of the Sunflower Project display on May 25. The donated artwork will be sold at First Friday on June 3, 2022. The Sunflower Project art prices will range from $50 to $200. Donations are also being accepted and can be mailed or left at the Flower Nook.

If you would like a piece of art, but are unable to attend, pieces can be purchases with a donation to the Sunflower Project, a piece of art will be selected based on the donation amount and your artwork will be selected and delivered to you the week after the June 3 sale. Contact Linda Foster at

To learn more about the Warsaw Museum of Modern Art's transformation, visit

To learn more about the Kansas Figure Drawing Group visit their Facebook page at

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