Thefts Reported at Salina Planet Fitness Location

Thefts Reported at Salina Planet Fitness Location

Two thefts were reported yesterday afternoon at the Planet Fitness located at 2012 South Ohio, where items were taken from unlocked lockers in the men's locker room.

One victim reported that his car keys, including a key fob, and house key were stolen, while another victim lost $22 in cash from clothing stored in a locker. The gym requires members to provide their own locks for lockers, and it appears the affected lockers were left unsecured at the time of the incidents.

Law enforcement has reviewed surveillance footage and identified a possible suspect. While police have made contact with this individual, no arrests have been made as the investigation continues.

Police remind gym-goers to secure their belongings with personal locks when using facility lockers to prevent theft. The investigation remains ongoing.

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