Sundowner West Mobile Home Park, located in northwest Saline County, is currently on day 5 of a boil water advisory. Saline County Commissioner Joe Hay said that the area operates on its independent water supply system, distinct from the county's rural water system. The recent cold spell caused a system failure, leaving the area without running water for the past several days. KDHE has been on-site conducting water tests.
This isn't the first instance of a boil water advisory for Sundowner West, and due to its lack of connection to rural water, the County faces limitations in providing assistance. Commissioner Hay disclosed that ARPA funds were offered to the water system owner for upgrades, but the owner failed to submit applications. With over 500 residents, including elderly individuals, young families, disabled individuals, and farmers with livestock, the situation is deemed "totally unacceptable" by Commissioner Hay.
Sundowner is situated in District 5 of Saline County, which is Commissioner Hay's District. Interestingly, the owner of the water rights differs from the mobile home park owner. Saline County staff has been asked to determine the feasibility of connecting the area to rural water, although Commissioner Hay is uncertain of any possibilities.
Scott Kolling is reported as the owner of water rights for the area, and Saline County Emergency Management's Michelle Weis and Melissa McCoy delivered bottled water and food to residents on January 16, with water being donated by Atwoods. Salvation Army donated 100 lunches.