Stiefel Theatre Announces Concert Attendee Protocol

Stiefel Theatre Announces Concert Attendee Protocol

September 1, 2021 –
In response to the artist's mandatory requirements that are playing the Stiefel, and a dramatic surge in Covid-19 cases, the Stiefel Theatre in Salina, KS will begin requiring a negative COVID-19 test within 72 hours of show date and/or requiring proof of full vaccination for entry into all shows. This policy will be in effect on October 1, 2021. Ticketholders to our events will be notified of these requirements via email.

The Stiefel Theatre hopes to offer rapid tests for sale (at our cost) from the Stiefel box office located at 151 Santa Fe. Tests will have to be taken on-site and a Stiefel staff person will provide confirmation of the results and provide a negative test verification for entry into the show (within 72 hours of the date.)

For other locations in Salina that tests are available go to:
vaccinatesalinecountyks .com
Acceptable tests include: Diagnostic Tests, Molecular Tests, RT-PCR Tests, NAAT Tests, Antigen Tests.

This policy will remain in effect until COVID-19 subsides. We have always made safety a top priority at the Stiefel. We have no choice at this point. Thank you for your understanding.

Stiefel box office hours are M-F, noon-5pm. Call 785-827-1998 for information.

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