SPD Release Information on Reported Arson in Downtown Restroom

SPD Release Information on Reported Arson in Downtown Restroom

On 11/27/2023, Salina Police Officers were alerted to a reported arson that occurred in a public restroom in the 200 block of S. 7th Street, Salina. Salina Police Officers worked with the Salina Fire Department Arson Investigators to identify possible suspects involved in this event.

The investigation revealed the possibility of involvement by persons who may suffer from mental health issues, and the Salina Police Co-Responder Team researched the subjects. The team was formed with Saline County Peace Officers and Mental Health Professionals from Central Kansas Mental Heal Center, to work with persons who may be involved in criminal offenses, but may benefit from Mental Health services versus the criminal justice route.

The Co-Responder team contacted a party on 11/28/2023 regarding the underlying criminal offenses, and the person showed signs that they were a danger to themselves and the public, and were evaluated for in-patient mental health care. The person was later admitted to Larned State Hospital for care and treatment.

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