Salina Rescue Mission's Needs for September 2023

Salina Rescue Mission's Needs for September 2023
Photo by Nico Smit / Unsplash

The Salina Rescue Mission is calling upon the community's generosity to assist those in need this month. Your support can make a significant difference in the lives of our homeless neighbors. Here's a list of essential items required:

  1. Gauze Bandages and Tape
  2. Men’s Shoes – All Sizes, New and Used
  3. Lunchmeat
  4. Canned Vegetables
  5. Salad Dressings

Donations are welcomed every day of the week, with drop-off times from 8 am-8 pm. The Mission is located at 1716 Summers Road in Salina.

Your contributions can provide essential support to those experiencing homelessness. Thank you for your compassion and generosity.

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