Saline County Sheriff's Mounted Patrol and Rescue Squad Sends Bloodhounds to North Dakota for Advanced Training and Certification

Saline County Sheriff's Mounted Patrol and Rescue Squad Sends Bloodhounds to North Dakota for Advanced Training and Certification

Saline County's dedicated bloodhounds, Marshal and Leroy, are on an exciting journey to North Dakota to participate in specialized training and annual certifications. The two K9 officers, who are integral members of the Saline County Sheriff's Mounted Patrol and Rescue Squad, will be attempting to achieve a higher-level certification than they currently hold.

The dynamic duo has already arrived in North Dakota, where they will train alongside Badlands Search and Rescue and the McKenzie County Sheriffโ€™s Office. This advanced training is crucial for honing their skills and ensuring they remain at the top of their game in search and rescue operations.

The trip to North Dakota wasnโ€™t all work and no play for Marshal and Leroy. Along the way, they enjoyed some recreational stops at Dog Island and Chadron State Park in Nebraska, and Custer State Park in South Dakota.

The Saline County Sheriff's Mounted Patrol and Rescue Squad invites everyone to follow the adventures of Marshal and Leroy throughout the week (here). The community is encouraged to wish them luck as they strive to achieve their new certifications and continue to serve with excellence.

Stay tuned for updates on their progress and adventures in North Dakota.

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