Salina311 Events Calendar Now Accepting Calendar Feed Connections

Salina311 Events Calendar Now Accepting Calendar Feed Connections

We've got good news for Salina organizations that maintain their own event calendars - you can now connect your existing calendar feed directly to the Salina311 Events Calendar.

This new integration feature means organizations won't need to manually add each event to our calendar system. Once connected, your events will automatically appear in the Salina311 Events Calendar, reaching our community of 27,000 members through both our website and Morning Briefing.

The process is simple:

  1. Get your calendar feed URL from your existing calendar system
  2. Email it to
  3. Your events will be automatically integrated into our system

This integration works with standard calendar feeds from various systems, making it efficient for churches, sports organizations, businesses, and other groups to share their upcoming events with the community.

Once your events are in our system, you'll still have access to all the calendar features, including the option to upgrade to a featured story or schedule professional photography coverage.

For questions about connecting your calendar feed or to get started, email

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