Salina Public Schools Reports Successful 2023 Summer School

A review of this year’s summer school programs at Salina Public Schools was presented to the Board of Education during their October 10 meeting.

Elementary summer school served 473 students with 91% of them completing the program. Eighty-two percent of the students attended for both reading and math. The elementary program was free of charge.

For the first time, preschool was offered at both elementary school sites, Cottonwood and Sunset. The average class size in the elementary program was 13 students. A licensed social worker was at each location, Central Kansas Mental Health services were available and meals were provided by the summer lunch program. The food bank provided 250 food boxes that went home on Fridays where needed. Bus services were available for all grade levels.

At the end of the program, parents and guardians completed a survey. “The survey helped us understand what was going well and where we can improve next year,” said Jody Craddock-Iselin, director of support services. One parent shared, “My child was often eager to go to summer school. It was fun for her.”

Craddock-Iselin reported elementary survey results:

·         95% of parents felt positive about their child's summer school experience and would sign them up for the program again.

·         100% of parents felt that summer school was beneficial.

Secondary summer school was also reviewed. Some of the highlights shared by Craddock-Iselin included:

Middle School

·         63% of students agreed or strongly agreed that the work they did in summer school

helped them improve their reading and math skills.

·         60% of parents agreed or strongly agreed that summer school was beneficial to their child.

High School

·         86% completion rate for credit recovery courses

·         83 more credits were earned compared to 2022

·         97% completion rate for enrichment courses

·         231 students earned at least one credit, many students earned more than one

Credit recovery classes for high school students were offered at no charge but the elective courses, driver’s education and ACT preparation classes, were fee-based.

Craddock-Iselin credited the elementary summer school directors, JaNae Brin and Stephanie Turowski, and secondary summer school director, Krista DeVoe, for the programs’ success. She indicated plans for 2024 summer school would be brought before the board at a later date.

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