Salina Man Arrested On Arson Charges After Patrol Vehicle Hit With Fieworks

Salina Man Arrested On Arson Charges After Patrol Vehicle Hit With Fieworks

On the night of Sunday, November 14, at 11:30pm in the 400 block of North Broadway, a SPD officer was on watch in the parking lot of the Saline County Mounted Patrol.

The officer heard several loud booms, followed by something hitting his patrol vehicle. He realized that it was fireworks, and after the third explosion, a row of ornamental grass in the Mounted Patrol parking lot caught fire.

The officer left the parking lot and noticed a male subject walking away from the area. The alleged subject was later identified as Christopher Mostue, a 40 year old Salina resident. A witness also noticed Mostue walking away from the area of the fireworks.

When the officer made contact with Mostue, it is reported that Mostue tried to walk away while being detained.

Christopher Mostue was arrested on requested charges of arson and obstruction.

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