Salina Area Chamber of Commerce Receives Inclusive Entrepreneurship Engagement Award

Salina Area Chamber of Commerce Receives Inclusive Entrepreneurship Engagement Award
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The Salina Area Chamber of Commerce is delighted to announce its recognition as the recipient of the esteemed 2023 Inclusive Entrepreneurship Engagement Award presented by Network Kansas.

The Chamber's initiative, Project OPEN, has played a pivotal role in empowering aspiring entrepreneurs and expanding existing businesses, through a range of comprehensive programs and opportunities. These include the esteemed Charlie Walker Pitch Challenge, the Youth Entrepreneurship Challenge, business training courses held at Kansas State-Salina, and access to gap-loan funding, to a wide variety of entrepreneurs throughout our community and region.

For entrepreneurs seeking to launch or expand their ventures, Project OPEN offers a wealth of invaluable resources. Detailed information about the initiative can be found at, or by contacting the Chamber's office at 785-827-9301.

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