Salina Airport Authority Board Designate Board Clerk & Deputy Clerk

Salina Airport Authority Board Designate Board Clerk & Deputy Clerk

Two Salina Airport Authority staff members have official duties during board of directors’ meetings.

During the Jan. 13 meeting, the board passed a resolution designating the positions of Salina Airport Authority Board Clerk and Deputy Clerk, along with defining their general duties.

Kasey Windhorst, the Airport Authority business and communications manager, was also named Board Clerk, and Michelle Moon, airport administration specialist, absorbed the title of Deputy Board Clerk.

Their duties relative to the SAA board, include publishing and posting public notices and agendas for all SAA board of directors’ public meetings, and attending them; keeping and preserving the Salina Airport Authority corporate seal; keeping a true record of those meetings; recording all official actions of the board; attesting to the board’s record of proceedings, official actions, resolutions and official documents.

The board clerk and deputy clerk perform their duties under the supervision of the SAA executive director and director of finance and administration, who are currently Tim Rogers and Shelli Swanson, respectively.

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