Residential Burglary in North Salina

Residential Burglary in North Salina
This story was featured in the Salina311 Newspaper. Subscribe To The Paper

A 40-year-old Salina man is missing $3,500 in belongings after returning home from work to find his home burglarized.

Captain Forrester says that the suspected burglary occurred on April 5, between 7 am and 4:30 pm, in the 300 block of N Kansas. The victim returned home after work and saw items on his front porch that were not his. He entered the front door and saw two sections of PVC pipe that were also not his. On looking through his house, he noticed the following items were missing:

  • HP Laptop
  • iPad
  • Harbor Freight gun safe with silver coins
  • multiple DEWALT cordless power tools

Total loss is $3,500.

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