Precinct & Voting Location Changes Announced for 2023

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Jamie Doss, Saline County Clerk, announces changes to precincts and voting locations for the upcoming election year of 2023.

In compliance with the Kansas Statutes Annotated (K.S.A.) 25-26a02, precincts may be combined in the year following redistricting and must be numbered consecutively. As per these guidelines, the Saline County Clerk's office has conducted a comprehensive evaluation and restructuring of precincts in the county.

"The most significant changes occurred within the City of Salina. All precincts were renumbered, several combined, and a few will vote at new locations. Additionally, USD 306 - Southeast of Saline, due to new census numbers, amended their member districts this year," she said.

The Clerk’s office will be mailing new notices listing the updated information to all registered voters on Friday, May 19, 2023.

It is essential for all voters to be aware of these changes and to familiarize themselves with their newly assigned precinct and voting location before the next election. You can find this information on the VoterView website.

For any questions or further assistance regarding the precinct and voting location changes, please contact the Saline County Clerk & Election Office webpage.

"We appreciate the understanding and cooperation of all residents as we work together to ensure a smooth and accessible voting experience for everyone in Saline County," said Doss.

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