Pestinger Distributing Assists in Fence Construction & Fisheries Conservation Efforts at Lakewood Park

Pestinger Distributing Assists in Fence Construction & Fisheries Conservation Efforts at Lakewood Park
from Friends of the River FB Page
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Volunteers from Pestinger Distributing lend a helping hand to enhance Lakewood Park's ecosystem

In a remarkable display of community spirit, volunteers from Pestinger Distributing joined forces to construct a fence at Lakewood Park. The devoted team worked at digging holes and building a sturdy barrier, contributing to the park's overall enhancement.

But their involvement didn't stop there. Pestinger Distributing's dedicated volunteers also played a vital role in the conservation of the park's aquatic life. Collaborating with the Kansas Wildlife and Fisheries, they actively participated in measuring and weighing the local bass population. In a bid to protect the ecosystem, they also removed carp, an invasive species, from the lake whenever they were discovered.

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