Mill And Inlay Work Continues

Mill And Inlay Work Continues

On Thursday August 8th and Friday August 9 th , APAC Shears of Salina
will continue work on the City of Salina’s annual asphalt mill and inlay
project. The schedule is as follows, weather permitting:

Yost Dr south of Water Well Rd

The work consists of milling the existing asphalt street surface < 3” and
replacing it with new asphalt to rehabilitate and preserve the pavement

The work will be completed with road closure to through traffic but will
allow for business access. Motorists should expect modest delays and
are encouraged to avoid the work zones altogether if possible.
This work is part of a $1.17 million project that is a major component of
the City of Salina's $5.9 million 2024 maintenance capital improvement

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