Meet the Candidates at the Granny Brigade's Candidate Forum

The Granny Brigade is excited to host a Candidate Forum event taking place on Tuesday, September 19, at 7 pm. Join them at the Carver Center, located at 315 N 2nd, for an informative evening featuring a distinguished lineup of candidates.

City Council Candidates:

  • Chad Farber
  • Jerry Ivey
  • Mike Hoppock
  • Dr. Trent Davis
  • Haley Halzer
  • Robert Klingenberg

USD 305 School Board Candidates:

  • Paul Gebhardt
  • Scott Gardner
  • Mark Brandre
  • Dana Kossow
  • Ann Zimmerman

This is your chance to become better acquainted with the individuals hoping to represent your community. Don't miss this valuable opportunity to engage with the candidates and learn about their vision for the future. The event will be moderated by Randy Picking and is open to the public.

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