Man Arrested after Saline County Woman Reports Altercation

Man Arrested after Saline County Woman Reports Altercation
Alexander Rothrock, photo from Saline County Sheriff Booking Page

In an incident at 200 E 3rd Street in Falun, a 44-year-old female was victim to a violent altercation. The suspect, identified as 36-year-old Alexander Rothrock, allegedly engaged in a heated argument with the victim. Matters escalated when Rothrock entered the residence, breaking through a locked bedroom door where the victim had sought refuge.

The victim retreated to a vehicle only to find herself under further attack as Rothrock allegedly shattered the rear driver's window with a hammer. Reports indicate that he proceeded to physically assault the victim, striking her with his fist.

Deputies responded to the scene, apprehending Rothrock within the residence. He now faces requested charges including aggravated burglary, domestic battery, and criminal damage to property domestic.

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