Law Enforcement Memorial Ceremony Honors those Lost in the Line of Duty

Law Enforcement Memorial Ceremony Honors those Lost in the Line of Duty
photos from Salina Police Department FB page
This story was featured in the Salina311 Newspaper. Subscribe To The Paper

Wednesday, May 17 marked a poignant occasion as the annual Law Enforcement Memorial Ceremony took place in honor of National Police Week. The event held at the revered Jerry Ivey Memorial Park served as a solemn tribute to the brave souls who made the ultimate sacrifice while serving in our community.

During the ceremony, heartfelt remembrance was extended to those fallen heroes who lost their lives in the line of duty. The community gathered in unity to pay respect to these courageous individuals, whose selflessness and unwavering dedication to public safety will forever be etched in our hearts.

Local law enforcement agencies wish to express their deepest gratitude to the community for their steadfast support. It is this unwavering backing that strengthens their resolve to protect and serve, day in and day out. The continued solidarity between law enforcement and the community remains a vital pillar in creating a safe and secure environment for all.

As National Police Week progresses, let us collectively honor and remember the sacrifice and service of those who have fallen, and show our unwavering support for the brave men and women who continue to risk their lives to uphold the peace and security we hold dear.

Law Enforcement of the Salina Police Department and Saline County Sheriff Department honored today include:

  • Officer John Stonebraker, 1917
  • Officer Tom Carson, 1920
  • Officer Olney E Eaton, 1942
  • Sheriff Fred Bell, 1952
  • Officer Jerry R Ivey, 1975
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