Kansas Troubles Quilters Meet In Salina

Kansas Troubles Quilters Meet In Salina
Photo Credit: Tumblweed Venue

The Kansas Troubles Quilters met over the weekend for a 3 day quilting retreat at Tumblweed Event Venue in Salina.

Lynne and Robert Hagmeier, owners of KT& Friends Quilt Shop, hosted the retreat that brought quilters from all over the US to learn new techniques from nationally- recognized teachers, sew and meet fellow quilters.

Lynne Hagmeier has been designing fabrics for over 23 years with Moda Fabrics. KT fabric, books and patterns are sold worldwide.

KTQuilt Shop has been open for over ten years at 103 N Nelson in Bennington. Learn more by visiting ktquilts.com, on Facebook @Kansas Troubles Quilters Lynne Hagmeier.


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