John O'Brien Nominated to Serve Three-Year Term on SAA Board

John O'Brien Nominated to Serve Three-Year Term on SAA Board

While completing a bachelor’s degree from Kansas State University at Salina, John O’Brien became enamored by the activity at Salina Regional Airport and Industrial Center, and the rich history of the former Schilling Air Force Base.

Stories adorning the walls of the aviation center at the college — now dubbed Kansas State University Aerospace and Technology Campus — snared O’Brien’s interest.

“I love aviation,” he said. “It’s pretty neat out here. I’m really excited about what the Salina Airport Authority is doing. It’s pretty impressive.”

The Buyer/Planner at Geoprobe, had voiced interest in taking a deeper interest in Salina, and was encouraged by Salina City Commissioner Bill Longbine a few months ago, to apply for a seat on the Salina Airport Authority board of directors.

O’Brien, 36, began at three-year term March 15 on the SAA board.

Certified in production and inventory management, he is in year three at Geoprobe, a manufacturer of geotechnical, environment and geothermal drilling machines. O’Brien previously worked for six years at Great Plains Manufacturing.

“I just kinda went where the wind took me,” he said. “A mix of hard work and luck got me where I’m at.”

Being in the midst of aviation and the military is a natural for the native of Silver Lake, and 2005 graduate of Heritage Christian School, of Topeka.

His father, Dennis O’Brien, served in the U.S. Navy during the Vietnam era. John O’Brien served 4 1/2 years in the U.S. Air Force, which included a tour at Joint Base Balad, in Iraq. He was the recipient of an achievement medal for calling out help from the command post after an improvised explosive device was detonated.

“I’m considered a combat veteran for being under hostile fire, but I was never in peril. That’s back to being lucky,” O’Brien said.

While he was in law enforcement and security in the service, aircraft commanded a share of O’Brien’s attention.

“I thought the airplane mechanics had a really cool job,” he said.

As a member of the Aviation Explorers group in high school, O’Brien volunteered three summers at the Experimental Aircraft Association Air Venture events at Oshkosh, Wisconsin.

Leaving the military in March 2010, O’Brien enrolled at K-State Salina that September. He graduated in 2014, completing a bachelor’s degree in aviation maintenance and management.He is a certified airframe and power plant mechanic.

SAA board service excites O’Brien, especially the work of Tim Rogers, the airport authority’s executive director.

“Tim has already super impressed me. He’s very tactful and direct,” O’Brien said. “I definitely feel like I was very lucky in this appointment. I’m surrounded by experts. It’s crazy.”

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