The iconic Lee Buildings, once bustling with the thriving enterprises of Lee Hardware and Lee Mercantile companies, stood as pillars of industrial might, demanding a vast array of resources to fuel their operations. Among the crucial resources they required, none was more vital than water. In an ingenious move, these companies erected a towering solution to quench their thirst for this essential element.
Perched atop the southern edifice, the Lee Hardware building, an imposing water tower stood sentinel. This towering reservoir was an ingenious marvel that not only supplied the companies' insatiable need for water but also played a pivotal role as a supplemental source for the city's water supply. It was a symbol of industrial ingenuity that came to life in the heart of the city.
However, like all things in life, change is inevitable. In 1968, the once-mighty water tower met its end, gracefully bowing out of service, leaving behind a rich legacy of industrial history that continues to be cherished and preserved.