Hay Bales Catch Fire in Mishap in Western Saline County

Hay Bales Catch Fire in Mishap in Western Saline County

In an incident on Wednesday, August 2 at 10:12 am, a semi tractor hauling 20 large round hay bales encountered an archway at the entrance of a field located in the 4000 W Pleasant Hill Rd. The incident occurred when the hay bales inadvertently went under the metal gate entrance, pushing the archway up into power lines. Tragically, the archway caught on the power lines, sparking a fire at the back of the truck.

The situation prompted a response from both Fire District 3 and Fire District 7, who successfully contained the fire. The incident caused significant damages, amounting to $20,000 for the trailer and $2,000 for the hay bales.

The truck involved in the accident was a 1995 Freightliner, pulling a flatbed trailer, and was driven by a 72-year-old man from Tescott.

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