April 10th Paper
Trivia: The Salina Art Center
March 30th Paper
Trivia: Edward Phillips

March 27th Paper
Trivia: The Smoky Hill River Valley

March 24th Paper
Trivia: The railroad industry

March 20th Newspaper
Trivia: How many buffalo used to roam the Great Plains of North America?
Before the vast expansion of European settlement in the 19th century, the Great Plains of North America, including the area around what is now Salina, Kansas, were home to an estimated 30 to 60 million American bison, commonly called buffalo. These numbers were not specific to the Salina area alone but spread across the plains from Canada to Mexico. The bison were integral to the ecosystem and the way of life of Native American tribes in the region. However, by the late 19th century, extensive hunting and habitat destruction led to a dramatic decline in bison populations, nearly resulting in their extinction. Conservation efforts in the 20th century have helped to recover the bison population, but they no longer roam the plains in the vast numbers that once characterized the Great Plains.

March 17th Newspaper

March 13th Newspaper
Trivia: Unlikely. There is a historical tradition that Francisco Vรกsquez de Coronado, the Spanish explorer, traveled to the area now known as Coronado Heights during his expedition in search of the fabled Seven Cities of Gold in the 1540s. Coronado Heights, located near Lindsborg, just a short drive from Salina, Kansas, is often cited in lore as a lookout point for Coronado and his expedition. However, definitive historical evidence directly linking Coronado to this specific location is sparse. Most historical accounts agree that Coronado's expedition traveled through parts of what is now the southwestern United States, including areas of Kansas, but pinpointing specific locations he visited remains a subject of historical interpretation and speculation. The naming of Coronado Heights and the construction of the castle-like structure atop it in the 1930s were inspired by the legend of Coronado's exploration, making it a site of historical interest and cultural significance rather than a place with direct, documented ties to Coronado himself.