Randomly Selected Salina311 Subscribers Win Prizes Each Friday
Each Friday we will give away select prizes from around Salina, to randomly selected Salina311 subscribers.
You don't have to do anything to win. If you're a subscriber you are already entered! (If you're not a subscriber... just subscribe and you'll be available to win next week!)
- You don't have to do anything to win. It's free to subscribe.
- We'll select at 9am each Friday.
- Winners will be notified by email and we'll share the winner's first name and last initial here.
- If you don't respond within 24 hours a follow-up email will be sent. If there's no response within another 24 hours we will redraw another winner.
- You can do whatever you want with the prize, use it or transfer it to someone else (if some prizes aren't transferable we will state that in the details)
- Click To View All Rules, Terms & Conditions
- Selection is done by algorithm. It randomly selects a winner from all Salina311 subscribers (as of 9:00 AM each Friday), for each prize.
- $100 Gift Card to Dunham's Sports - WINNER: Amy R.

2. $100 Gift Card to Dunham's Sports - WINNER: Evelyn P.

3. $20 Gift Card To Mokas - WINNER: Karli

4. $30 Gift Card to Papa John's - WINNER: Kim K.

If you're a winner and have questions please contact us at jackpot@salina311.com.