Four Additional Wednesday Earthquakes

Four Additional Wednesday Earthquakes

In addition to an extremely active weather day in Saline County, four additional earthquakes occurred throughout the day as well.

The first quake occurred at 9:03 this morning. It registered a 3.8 on the Richter Scale, and struck at the intersection of E Hedburg Rd and S Niles Rd.

Next, a 3.4 tremor hit at 12:17 pm. This one was centered at E Assaria Rd and S Niles Rd.

The third seismic event was a 2.2 at 8:09 pm. This quake was at E Hedburg Rd and S Whitmore Rd.

Finally, another 2.2 quake rumbled at 9:16 pm. This tremor was at E Assaria Rd and S Niles Rd.

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