First Responders Reflect on Devastating I-70 Pileup Near Goodland

First Responders Reflect on Devastating I-70 Pileup Near Goodland

Salina311 has confirmed that individuals from Salina, Kansas were among those who lost their lives in the massive vehicle pileup on I-70 near mile markers 28 to 29 in Sherman County. Out of respect for their privacy, names are not being released at this time.

The tragic accident, which occurred during intense wind and dust conditions, involved over 55 vehicles and more than 30 patients. First responders from multiple agencies worked tirelessly in extremely hazardous conditions to triage patients, transport the injured, and secure the crash site.

Goodland Fire Chief Brian James described the scene as one of the most emotionally draining experiences of his 22-year career in the fire service.

“Trying to manage multiple agencies, over thirty patients, triaging patients, working over 55 vehicles, fighting the wind with dirt so bad you can’t see over 50 to 100 feet, and trying to keep my crews and myself safe was just something to process,” James said.

He emphasized the dedication of first responders, noting that crews had to think outside the box to ensure patients received the medical attention they needed. Due to the overwhelming number of injured individuals, emergency personnel used fire department support vehicles and patrol cars from the Goodland Police Department, Sherman County Sheriff’s Office, and Kansas Highway Patrol to transport patients to hospitals in Goodland and Colby.

“I’m sorry for the lives lost in this incident, but I’m grateful for the ones we could save,” James said.

Even after the initial emergency response, first responders were called back to the scene the next day to recover victims.

“Goodland and Brewster Fire have to go back out today to the crash site to cut deceased people out of their vehicles. Please be praying for my crews and all Sherman County first responders,” James urged.

Agencies Responding to the I-70 Pileup

The response to the I-70 crash was a massive coordinated effort involving multiple emergency agencies, including:

  • Goodland Fire
  • Brewster Fire
  • Northwest Kansas Ambulance Service
  • Colby Fire Department
  • Goodland Police Department
  • Sherman County Sheriff’s Office
  • Kansas Highway Patrol
  • Thomas County EMS
  • Wallace County EMS
  • Cheyenne County EMS
  • Sherman County Dispatch

Salina311 will continue to provide updates as more information becomes available. Our thoughts are with the victims, their families, and the first responders who worked through incredibly challenging conditions to save lives.

The information regarding the accident was collected from a Facebook post by Fire Chief Brian James. His statement did not include details on where the fatalities occurred.

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