Kansas Wesleyan University will open its exhibition season with “Light, Shadow and Space,” paintings by Daniel Picking, at The Gallery in Sams Hall of Fine Arts on campus.
The exhibit will run from Aug. 14 to Sept. 17, with a reception for Picking from 5-7 p.m. Friday, Aug. 18.
Picking is the gallery manager at the Salina Art Center.
His paintings, done in acrylic latex on canvas and panel, capture intricate patterns that emerge through the interplay of light, shadow and space.
“Through a process of selectively blocking off areas of the surface while layering paint, I create simple, rhythmic forms that manipulate positive and negative space within the painted surface,” Picking said in his artist’s statement.
The forms then create dynamic patterns of highlight and shadow that change according to the light and the angle of the viewer.
Picking said his work questions the traditional role of the painting as an object with a permanent static image.
The Gallery’s hours are 9 a.m. to 7 p.m. weekdays and weekends by appointment.