First Friday Reception: Kelly Yarbrough

First Friday Reception: Kelly Yarbrough

Kansas Wesleyan University, 100 E Claflin, displayed the beautiful work of the talented Kelly Yarbrough yesterday, as part of First Friday.

Kelly Yarbrough believes that there is beauty where most people wouldn't find it. The ocean and mountains have a majestic beauty that is evident the moment you set your eyes on them. However, Kelly looks for something deeper within her art.

For Kelly, the Flint Hills of Kansas is where the beauty is. It's hidden, yet there for anyone to see. You just have to know where to look.

The diverse ecosystem that surrounds us is what Kelly has an eye for. Her beautiful sketches work together to explain the cohesive earth we inhabit.

Yarbrough also uses an ecosystem of media to create her memorable pieces. What begins as a pencil sketch can become a painting with textures. Or, something unique as a colored penciled scene can simply speak for itself.

Her current display of artwork, High Touch Places, is open at Kansas Wesleyan University, within Sam's Hall of Fine Arts, located on campus during normal school hours.

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