Fire Destroys Shed and Hay Bales, Causing Significant Loss

Fire Destroys Shed and Hay Bales, Causing Significant Loss
This story was featured in the Salina311 Newspaper. Subscribe To The Paper

On June 18, at approximately 7:29 am, responders were dispatched to the 7600 block of E North Street in response to a fire. The affected out building belonged to a 62-year-old resident of rural Saline County. A shed, along with a considerable number of round hay bales, had caught fire, prompting the response of the rural fire district.

The efforts of the firefighting team successfully brought the blaze under control, but not before significant damage had occurred. The shed was estimated to be worth $23,500. Additionally, the fire consumed a total of 50 round bales of gray hay and 50 round bales of oat hay, collectively valued at $15,000. The total loss resulting from the incident was estimated at $38,500.

It is believed that spontaneous combustion may have been the cause of the fire.

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