Fire Chief David Turner of Saline County Rural Fire District Number Five was recognized for over 40 years of service during the January 21st Saline County Commission meeting. Mike Robinson, chairman of the Fire District Number Five board, presented the recognition.
Turner began his career as a volunteer firefighter in May 1984. He was elected as fire chief in March 1998 and has served in that role for 27 years.
During his tenure, Turner has been involved in writing grants, specifying and purchasing fire apparatus to update the fleet, maintaining and updating fire stations and equipment, and training new firefighters. He has conducted Firefighter I and II classes for all of Saline County.
Robinson noted that Turner has responded to numerous fire and EMS calls over the past four decades, often interrupting holidays and family gatherings to answer emergency calls.
Commissioner Weese, who previously worked with Turner at the Salina Fire Department, commented on Turner's dedication. He mentioned that Turner was the only firefighter to jump from the rank of driver equipment operator directly to battalion chief, which Shadwick said demonstrated Turner's knowledge and commitment.
The commission thanked Turner for his service and contributions to rural fire protection in Saline County over the past 40 years.