Empowering Our Community: Salina Family YMCA Organizes Shoe Drive to Benefit Local Youth

Empowering Our Community: Salina Family YMCA Organizes Shoe Drive to Benefit Local Youth
Photo by Warren Jones / Unsplash

In an effort to uplift and support our young community members, the Salina Family YMCA is proud to announce a forthcoming shoe drive. Located at 570 YMCA Dr, the YMCA invites everyone to participate by donating new or gently used footwear. This community-driven initiative aims to provide shoes to children in need.

The shoes will be distributed at Healthy Kids Day on August 5. Throughout the month of July, the Salina Family YMCA will gladly accept donations. We encourage you to contribute new or gently used kid-sized sneakers, soccer cleats, basketball shoes, and general-purpose shoes.

By joining hands and sharing resources, we can make a positive impact on the lives of our local youth. Let's strengthen our community together!

For more information, please contact the Salina Family YMCA at [contact information]. Together, we can create a brighter future for our children.

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