Downtown Progress

Downtown Progress

Salina Downtown continues to flourish, bringing us new experiences to enjoy.

121 S Santa Fe is currently being reconstructed inside.

The Prickly Pear Grill & Cantina will be moving into 123 S Santa Fe, with a tentative open date of March 1, 2022. Campbell Plaza is undergoing a face-lift to accommodate the new space.

145 S Santa Fe will soon be a fun space to hang out.

Kids Creative Corners will give young children a place to be exactly what they are - kids! Look for it on February 1, 2022 at 122 S Santa Fe.

After ten years of being housed at 141 N Santa Fe, Ad Astra Books & Coffee House is relocating two doors down, at 135 N Santa Fe. Coffee will begin pouring in early 2022, but you can still enjoy Ad Astra in their current location.

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