Crimestoppers Crime of the Week

Crimestoppers Crime of the Week

On 12/19/2021, Salina Police Officers received a report of a residential burglary that occurred in the 300 block of S. Ohio Street, Salina. The victim reported over $5,700 of property was taken, between 12/18, at 6:00 PM, through 12/19, at 2:10 PM.  The items taken were:

• MacBook Desktop

• (2) Yamaha HS8 Speakers

• LA610 Audioboard

• AKG12 Microphone

• Sony 36" Television

• Xbox One

• Jordan Retro Shoes

If you have any information concerning this incident or identification of the individual involved, call Crimestoppers at 825-TIPS. You can also make an online tip at: You may receive a cash reward of up to $1,000. Tipsters may also contact the Salina Police Department at (785) 826-7210, or Officer Chandler, case 2021-39527.

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