County Exploring Options to Address Nursing Shortage in Health Department

County Exploring Options to Address Nursing Shortage in Health Department

The Saline County Commission discussed potential solutions to address the ongoing nursing shortage in the Health Department during their recent meeting. Jason Tiller, Health Department Director, presented two proposals aimed at recruiting and retaining nurses, particularly for the Home Health division.

Tiller proposed increasing the current recruiting bonus from $1,500 to $10,000 for Registered Nurses (RNs) and $8,000 for Licensed Practical Nurses (LPNs). The bonuses would be paid in full if a nurse is hired by December 31, 2024 and the funds would come from unused salary. New hires would be required to sign an agreement to repay a pro-rated amount if they leave before completing one year of service.

In addition to the recruiting bonus, Tiller proposed a $7,500 retention bonus for the two current Home Health nurses who have been managing the increased workload due to staff shortages.

Commissioners expressed concerns about the significant increase in the bonus amount and discussed potential alternatives, such as incremental payments over time. They also debated the merits of focusing on recruitment versus addressing underlying salary issues.

The commission decided to table the recruitment bonus proposal for one week to gather more information on potential funding mechanisms and payment structures. They approved the retention bonus for the two current Home Health nurses.

Tiller noted that the Health Department has struggled to attract and retain nurses despite previous efforts, including social media posts, radio ads, and offering part-time positions. He emphasized the competitive nature of the nursing field and the challenges faced by the Home Health division in particular.

The commission plans to revisit the recruitment bonus proposal at their next meeting after exploring options for structuring the payments and considering potential budget implications.

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