County Commission Approves Purchase of Vehicles for Environmental Health

County Commission Approves Purchase of Vehicles for Environmental Health
This story was featured in the Salina311 Newspaper. Subscribe To The Paper

At Tuesday's County Commission meeting, Commissioners heard a request from the Planning & Zoning Department regarding the purchase of vehicles for Environmental Health. The department employs two environmental health sanitarians that provide services for a total of four counties. The purchase of two vehicles was pre-approved in the 2023 County Equipment Improvement Plan.

Bids were opened on April 17th and one bid was received:

Long McArthur Ford - $39,938.69 per vehicle for a 2023 AWD Ford Explorer for a total cost of $79,877.38.

Budget Impact
$70,000 was pre-approved in the County EIP for the two vehicles. The remaining $9,877.38 would still come from County EIP but from equipment purchases that have come in under budget and purchases that are no longer planned.

$13,600 was approved for various lab equipment for the Planning & Zoning department which has been purchased leaving $1,082.26 available. The Sheriff’s Office had intended to purchase 6 vehicles in 2023 and staff has advised they will not be purchasing a 6th vehicle which leaves $49,965 available.

The motion was approved 5-0.

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