UPDATE: School Alerts Parents after Concerned Students Learn of Possible Threat Made Online

UPDATE: School Alerts Parents after Concerned Students Learn of Possible Threat Made Online

UPDATE, Saturday, November 11: The following is an update to Thursday's article, including the texts sent to parents via cell phones by the Southeast of Saline District on the morning of Thursday, November 9.

"Message from USD 306: Southeast of Saline was made aware of a threat against the school overnight. The threat has been thoroughly investigated and appropriate precautions have been taken. We want to thank those that report suspicious activities or messages which allows us to protect our students."

"Message from USD 306: A follow-up from this morning's announcement - the police are considering the threat from the overnight hours to not be credible. They are continuing their investigation as to the actual source of the threat. Some parents had heard of the threat and others had not so the message this morning was sent to notify everyone that there we were aware of the incident and it was being addressed. My understanding is that the police department will be releasing a statement this morning on the incident. We feel that student safety is not a concern for today but extra precautions were taken out of an abundance of caution. Any report of a threat is taken as sincere until proven otherwise, which can take some time. Often these threats are made to force a reaction with no intent to actually follow through but we cannot make that assumption until a full and complete investigation has been done. We understand and share the concern for student safety and SES will continue to prioritize a safe learning environment for all."

ORIGINAL: Just after midnight on Thursday, November 9, the School Resource Officer at Southeast of Salina received an alert from concerned students, regarding a threat circulating on social media. The alleged threat, discovered on Snapchat, was toward Southeast of Saline School, hinting at a potential shooting at the school. The Saline County Sheriff's Department has initiated an investigation into the matter. Today, heightened security measures have been implemented within the school premises, including increased presence in the parking lot during student arrival and extra security within the building. The incident remains an active investigation, with the alleged person suspected to be a high school-aged individual. Further details are limited at this time. Southeast of Saline has communicated with parents, emphasizing the specificity of the threat for today.

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