City Commmission Approves Final Plat for Johnson Trucking Addition

City Commmission Approves Final Plat for Johnson Trucking Addition
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During the recent City Commission meeting, commissioners deliberated on authorizing the Mayor to sign the final plans for the Johnson Trucking Addition - a 5 lot subdivision of a 35-acre land tract situated on the north side of Diamond Drive, just west of Petro 2 Travel Plaza. Gary Johnson Trucking has acquired this 35-acre land tract, located directly adjacent to Jackson Flats and Petro 2 on the north side of West Diamond Drive.

Although no specific development plans have been proposed for the property at this time, they have a potential agreement with Jackson Flats Washout for one of the lots included in the plat application. All proposed lots will directly access Diamond Drive. The property was annexed into the city in 2007 but remains unplatted and zoned A-1 (Agricultural). It has been previously zoned BC (Business Commercial) and AG (Agricultural) before annexation.

As a part of the annexation agreement, the current owner is responsible for extending needed utility lines to serve individual building lots on the site. In recent developments, on April 21, 2023, a zoning change request was filed for the property from A-1 (Agriculture) to 1-2 (Light Industrial). On the subsequent week, a preliminary plat layout for the property was also requested.

The Salina City Planning Commission convened on June 20, 2023, and after a public hearing, voted unanimously for the zoning change as well as the preliminary plat of the Johnson Trucking Subdivision. Two significant conditions were outlined for approval: first, a flood plain development permit will need to be obtained before the ground is filled to create elevated building pads, and second, plans for proposed drainage facilities must be submitted to the City Engineer for approval. On the fiscal side, the previous owner and the city have agreed to share the costs of installing water, sewer and street improvements.

The special assessments levied on the property's previous owners will become payable over 15 years once the property is platted. In terms of the future land use, aligning with the Cityโ€™s Comprehensive Plan, the area along West Diamond Drive is already indicated as an Employment Hub/Industrial land use region. The proposed final plat and its rezoning to 1-2 (Light Industrial) will meet these specifications.

The motion was approved, with Mayor Hoppock recusing himself. Note that, while no specific development plans for the Johnson Trucking Addition have been disclosed, the completion and approval of the final plat serve as an essential step for any future development.

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