City Commission Approves Reimbursement for Public Water Main Extension

City Commission Approves Reimbursement for Public Water Main Extension

At Monday's City Commission meeting, Commissioners considered authorizing the City Manager to reimburse Platte River Communities of Centennial, Colorado, in the amount not to exceed $63,005.13 for a public water main extension serving the North End Manufactured Home Park.

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The redevelopment plan for the former Del Ray Estates Manufactured Park located at 917 North 13th Street has been approved by the City Planning Commission and the City Commission and is now identified as the North End Manufactured Home Park. The site contains 6.13 acres and will be redeveloped to include 48 manufactured home sites located on a single private street (Northtown Drive). Refer to attached North End Manufactured Home Park Site Plan. The breakdown of manufactured home unit sizes in the park is as follows:

This is a redevelopment of a pre-existing park and the park / owner operator is not including any park amenities such as a community center, storm shelter, or common recreation space at this time. The park owner is maintaining ownership and maintenance responsibility for all property and infrastructure within the park, except for that specifically dedicated to the public such as public water main loop and fire hydrant. The roadway serving the park is a private street owned and maintained by the park operator.

On July 19, 2021 the Design Review Team met and completed a technical review of the proposed site plan and provided comments to be presented to the Planning Commission at their August 3, 2021 meeting. Following this meeting, North End Manufactured Home Park requested that the City pay 50% ($67,000) of the total estimated cost ($134,000) for the water main connection from 13th Street to 12th Street. Staff agreed that the 13th Street to 12th Street connection benefited the existing residential area and sharing of the cost would be considered, once there was a construction cost breakdown provided by the contractor completing the public improvements.

The November 16, 2021 Planning Commission Letter approved the plan subject to the following condition: "The park owner/ operator shall design and construct a looped public water main meeting City design specifications prior to the development of Phase II. The public water main and fire hydrants must be installed and operational and a paved access road and fire apparatus turnaround must be in place prior to the placement of any manufactured homes in the Phase II area. (The Fire Marshal has determined that Phase I can be served from an existing fire hydrant on North 13th Street.)

A review of the fire protection requirements of the entire site resulted in a two part phasing plan with Phase I consisting of 27 home sites located near the entrance to the park with fire protection served from an existing fire hydrant on North 13th Street. The 27 home sites included in Phase I are in place. The roadway and public water main loop and fire hydrant is to be extended at a later date to serve the remaining 21 home sites of Phase II.

The Phase II public water main loop and fire hydrant have been approved by City staff and the Kansas Department of Health and Environment on October 27, 2022. The 21 manufactured homes for Phase II have been delivered and will be set in place once the Phase II public water main and fire hydrant have been installed and are operational and a paved access road and fire apparatus turnaround is in place.

There is a need for both on-site and off-site utility easements for this project. Utility easements for the public water main have been reviewed and approved by City staff and will be a City Commission action item at a later date.

As a part of the public water main loop, the existing public water distribution system requires improvement; a new 8 inch east/west water main connection between the existing north/south water lines at 13th Street and 12th Street is required. Refer to attached Water Main Extension. This connection allows water for fire protection to come from two separate locations: 1) existing dead-end 8 inch public water main in 13th Street; 2) existing 6 inch water main in 12th Street. This connection also allows water to flow from either 13th Street to 12th Street or 12th Street to 13th Street and improves water quality and fire protection to both the manufactured home site and the residential area to the east of the manufactured home site.

T&R Construction has been selected to construct the new public water main loop and has provided a cost breakdown as follows: 13th Street to 12th Street portion at $63,005.13 and the remaining water loop portion at $106,194.57 for a total of $169,199.70.

The cost of $63,005.13 to complete the 13th street to 12th Street connection can be considered a city at large system enhancement which improves water quality and fire protection for a much larger area than the manufactured home site. Staff has reviewed this cost break down and finds it to be reasonable in the current market. Staff recommends funding the total cost of $63,005.13.

The cost of $63,005.13 will be funded from the Water and Wastewater Capital Reserve Fund, which has a balance of $10,549,147.

The motion to approve authorizing the City Manager to reimburse Platte River Communities of Centennial, Colorado, in the amount not to exceed $63,005.13 for a public water main extension serving for the North End Manufactured Home Park upon final inspection and acceptance of the water line.

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