At Monday's City Commission Meeting, Commissioners considered awarding the bid for project number #23022 for pickleball court overlay construction at Oakdale Park to Multicon, Inc. in the amount of $444,762 and authorizing the City Manager to execute a contract with Multicon, Inc. under circumstances in which both the bid award and the authorization for the City Manager to execute the contract are contingent upon fulfillment of the preconditions of (a) receipt by the City of donated funds totaling $444,762 on or before July 12, 2023, and (b) fulfillment of all prerequisites under the bid documents.
BACKGROUND: The Salina Parks and Recreation Master Plan was adopted by Resolution #18-7581 on July 23, 2018. The Master Plan identified the poor condition of City's existing tennis courts at Oakdale Park, Sunset Park and Jerry Ivey Memorial Park. Additionally, the Master Plan states on page number 423 to remove the asphalt tennis courts and to upgrade the concrete courts.
The subsurface of the south tennis courts at Oakdale is concrete and is visually intact without any significant vertical or horizontal separation except for the designed expansion joints and a few minor concrete cracks and failed court surfacing. The north tennis court is an asphalt subsurface and has some significant horizontal separation of the asphalt and failed court surfacing. The north tennis court has been identified to be planned for demolition which would allow for the future use of the Smoky Hill River Festival event.
Item #183 on the Salina Parks and Recreation Master Plan states for Centennial Park to "Develop pickle ball courts in the area where the skate park is currently located." However, the Centennial Park neighborhood has expressed a desire to keep the skate park in its current location and renovate or replace the skate park.
On October 25, 2021, the City executed a limited warranty deed with reversionary and limited warranty covenants and retained easement with USD305 regarding the conveyance of real estate associated with the Jerry Ivey Park tennis courts. The construction at Jerry Ivey Tennis Courts by USO 305 started approximately in November of 2022 and is anticipated to be completed at the end of June. As part of the limited warranty deed, USO 305 agreed to preserve public access for the four public tennis courts.
In November of 2022 the construction of the 12 new tennis courts at Kenwood Park reached substantial completion. The new tennis center at Kenwood Park received a temporary certificate of occupancy on January 27, 2023 and opened to the public shortly afterward.
On March 15, 2023, the local pickleball interest group expressed their desire to make the South (concrete) Oakdale Courts available for pickleball use to the Parks and Recreation Advisory Board. Staff conducted a safety evaluation of the courts and determined that the south Oakdale tennis courts were in fair condition and allowed the south courts to be used for pickleball.
In October of 2021, staff were approached by the representative of a donor group who expressed a desire to fully fund pickleball courts at Oakdale Park. Staff proceeded to acquire quotes from athletic court construction contractors to determine approximate costs of an overlay project with post-tension concrete.
Details of the potential project include removing the existing court playing surface, leveling the court site, overlay post-tension concrete on top of the existing tennis court concrete slab, provide new pickleball net posts and net fencing, new perimeter fence and court painting onto the existing south courts.
Staff presented the scope of the project and the bids to the representative of the donor group. The donor group expressed their desire (a) to fully fund the low bid of $444,762, (b) to remain anonymous regarding their donation and (c) that the pickleball complex not have a donor name attached to the municipal facility.
City staff met with the representative of the donor group to determine the method in which they would provide the city the funds to cover the costs of the bid for pickleball court construction. With consultation with the city attorney, it was determined that once the Governing Body would approve the project subject to the precondition of receipt of the donated funds, the donors would forward the funds to the City from two different fund sources from the Greater Salina Community Foundation.
On March 1, 2023 staff solicited fee proposals from three local architects to provide the following specifications and drawings for the project to be used for request for proposals for the construction project:
- Site plan showing size and configuration of the existing tennis courts with demolition and preparation description and notes
- Site plan showing proposed pickleball court layout and dimensions
- Drawing and/or description of fence alteration/replacement details
- Drawing showing connecting walks to public toilets
- Drawing and/or description of ADA access details
- Provide written description of general project scope
- Provide written project performance criteria
The result of the request for qualifications and fee proposals for architects is provided below. Warren Ediger/ Architect was selected based on his fee proposal and long history of providing architectural services.
The aspects designed and specified for the proposed pickleball project for the base bid of the construction include:
- Existing tennis court slab is prepared to receive a 2" layer of sand over existing concrete and is graded to achieve positive drainage
- Post-tensioned concrete slabs over existing tennis court slab
- Non post-tensioned concrete aprons, walkways and ADA approach slabs
- 10 Pickleball Courts
- New vinyl coated chain link fencing and posts for 8' perimeter fence and 4' court fencing with gates
- Court surfacing and striping with regulation pickleball nets
The aspects designed and specified for the proposed pickleball project include one add alternate to provide and install a 7' open mesh windscreen on the north and south 8' perimeter fence. City staff does not recommend the add alternate at this time for the windscreen due to the ongoing maintenance requirements to maintain the windscreen.
The bid documents for the pickleball court overlay construction project was published by the City on its website and the Salina Journal on May 16, 2023. It was also provided to several interested court contractors electronically. The submission deadline for bids was June 1, 2023 at 2 pm and were publically opened and read aloud at that time.
City staff has reviewed the bids for the pickleball court overlay construction a recommends the base bid from Multicon, Inc. References for Multicon, Inc. have been returned favorably for flatwork and court construction. As previously stated, staff does not recommend the add alternate at this time for the windscreen due to the ongoing maintenance requirements to maintain the windscreen.
Pursuant to the bid documentation, the bids remain open for 60 days following the June 1st bid opening. Staff recommends a deadline of July 12, 2023, for receipt of the donated funds by the City. The representative of the donor group has confirmed the feasibility of delivery of the donated funds on or before July 12th.
FISCAL NOTE: The proposed project would be funded from donated funds in the amount of $444,762. Other related site work for Oakdale Park has been identified to be planned and funded through the Parks and Recreation department's budget in the future including the removal of the North asphalt courts, site grading and installation of sidewalk connections to improve circulation of the park.
The motion to contingently award the bids for the pickleball court overlay construction to Multicon, Inc. in the amount of $444,762 and authorize the City Manager to execute a contract with Multicon, Inc. under circumstances in which both the bid award and the authorization for the City Manager to execute the contract are contingent upon fulfillment of the preconditions of (a) the receipt by the City of the donated funds totaling $444,762.00 on or before July 12, 2023, and (b) fulfillment of all prerequisites under the bid documents was approved 4-0. Commissioner Lenkiewicz was not present.