In a 5-0 vote during Monday's City Commission Meeting, commissioners evaluated and approved the annexation application submitted by Salina Destination Development, LLC. The application sought the inclusion of a 41.92-acre plot on the west side of Virginia Drive, south of W Magnolia Rd.
This tract, located in the northwest corner referred to as the "donut hole," represents an unannexed island on both sides of W Magnolia Rd. Bordered by the city on all four sides, the 41.92-acre parcel connects to the city limits on the east (Magnolia Commons Addition) and north (Premier Addition).
In 2010, the Salina City Commission greenlit Resolution No. 10-6731, authorizing public improvements outside city limits. These improvements, totaling $3.4M, included a water line loop, sanitary sewer line extension, and other infrastructure serving the Magnolia Commons development.
Salina Destination Development, LLC's application seeks annexation to connect the 41.92-acre tract to city utilities, facilitating their proposed residential subdivision. The company plans to build a 250-unit apartment complex on an 11.2-acre portion within the annexed area. Until the platting and rezoning process concludes, the property will maintain its current Agricultural zoning.
The annexation request area is surrounded by unplatted agricultural land, Magnolia Commons, and Premier Addition, with West Dry Creek forming the western boundary.
The City's policy mandates annexation for development to access city utilities. A benefit fee of $79,415 for water line improvements and $119,075 for sanitary sewer improvements applies to the 41.92-acre tract.
The northern portion, designated for Phase I apartments, has access to Virginia Dr, meeting full City street standards. A benefit fee of $153,508 for street improvements applies.
The property is within Evergy's electric service territory, with no rural water district affiliations. A natural gas distribution line runs parallel to the south side of Magnolia Rd.
Runoff from the development will be directed west over West Dry Creek, with potential easements for detention.
Annexation would shift responsibility to the City of Salina Fire Department for EMS and fire protection. Police and fire protection are already provided to adjacent areas within the city limits.
The annexation excludes unplatted agricultural land to the west and south.
While the City incurs long-term maintenance costs, benefits include additional property taxes, sales tax, franchise taxes, and benefit fees.
The Comprehensive Plan designates the property for future Commercial use but permits an amendment to Urban Residential, aligning with annexation policies.
Upon annexation, the property becomes subject to a 30.35 mill property tax levy. Benefit fees for the 2008 infrastructure project will be collected when the property develops.
With unanimous approval, the annexation is set to take effect before year-end, aligning with the City's corporate boundary resolution on December 31, 2023.