City Commission Approves Amendment to University District Sign Regulations

City Commission Approves Amendment to University District Sign Regulations

The City Commission recently passed an ordinance in a unanimous vote, amending the sign regulations in the University District. This amendment addresses the limitations on the number, size, setback, and height of signs, including electronic changeable copy signs, within the University zoning district. The initiative stems from a review of sign regulations that began in 2015, prompted by the growing interest in electronic changeable copy signs and the need to accommodate evolving technological advancements.

Key changes proposed in the amendment include reducing the setback requirement for larger signs, eliminating pole signs, increasing the maximum sign height, and adjusting the sign area limitation to allow for 3 square feet of sign area per linear foot of building frontage. Additionally, the allowable screen size area for electronic changeable signs is proposed to be increased to 67% of the total sign area for signs located on collector and arterial streets, aligning with similar regulations for high school campuses.

The Planning Commission, after conducting a public hearing, recommended approval of the proposed zoning text amendment. Notably, there is no expected fiscal impact on the city as a result of this amendment.

Overall, the ordinance aims to address the unique sign needs of college and university campuses and other properties within the University District, reflecting the city's efforts to adapt its regulations to evolving technological and community needs.

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